Out With The Animals, No Pun Intended...

Our good friends Ian and Alicia are house sitting (farm sitting is what you should call it) up the road from where we live, so we thought we would go out and see all the animals. Gabe just LOVED the Horses and Cooper LOVED the Kitty Cats, surprise, surprise. All in all we had a wonderful time out in the sun on a nice warm day...
The Boys
Cooper Being A Silly BoyGabe Waiting To Go Feed The HorsesLooking For The BunnyGabe Loving The HorsesCheese FacesI Love His SmileCooper Trying To Feed The Cat HayGabe Feeding The HorseGabe Feeding The PonyHe Just Loved This Horse You Think He Needs A Cat?Cooper's Full Cowboy Outfit


White Family said...

These are great! LOVE you:)

Mrs. McFadden said...

OOO how much fun is that? when we were in washington we took Aiden to our Aunt Elsie's (who has since passed away, she was 90 years old when we saw her last year)to see the cows on her ranch. He loved it. such good memories!